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Our History

NYM ALC_Year 1915.jpg
New York Mills Church, 1915

The New York Mills Apostolic Lutheran Church was founded in 1877 by Finnish pioneers. Rev. Israel Hagel was called to serve as pastor. The worship services were held in the Finnish Language. In 1945 the church was moved to the city of New York Mills where it currently resides. The original founders of the congregation have gone to their reward and a new generation has followed in their footsteps, believing in the same doctrine and professing faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Over the years several pastors have served the congregation-Johan Mursu, Aatu Kela, Peter Raatama, Andrew Wirkkala, Matt Erkkila, Emil Kulla, Emil Kallinen, Walter Mursu, Oscar Wilson, George Wilson, Ralph Davidson, Donald Salo, and Nicholas Kandoll.


Rev. George Wilson served the congregation from 1950 to 1986. Rev. Don Salo was called in 1988 and retired in 2015. Rev. Salo has continued to serve as a mentor and assistant to Rev. Nicholas Kandoll who has served since 2015.


We give thanks to God for all our forefathers who have labored tirelessly preserving the faith and the furtherance of our church. They left a precious inheritance; they preserved the living faith for the present generation. To God be the glory forever and ever. Amen




315 Main Ave S, New York Mills, MN 56567

Pastor Nick Kandoll: (218) 316-1365  |  Church: (218) 385-2166

©2024 NYM ALCA

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